Why join?
You get
- News about upcoming events
- Discounts on dance days and dance weekends
- Access to our dance video library
- The possibility of a larger network of Christian dancers in Sweden, Scandinavia and internationally!
- You also support the dance to God's glory in Sweden and internationally!
Interested? Please consider the
Theological foundation for Psalto - The Christian Dance Fellowship of Scandinavia
- sees itself as part of the Church / Body of Christ,
- bases her belief in the Bible as the word of God, and
- profess the Christian faith as expressed in the Nicene and Apostles' creeds.
Therefore Psalto affirms that
a) God the Father our Creator, is almighty, holy and gracious.
b) Jesus Christ, the Son of God, our Savior, is Lord and God, the Word who became flesh and the only way to the Father. He is the way, the truth and the life.
c) the Holy Spirit, our Life-Giver, renews, sanctifies and strengthens believers.
d) we are created by God to a unity: body, soul and spirit. With our whole being, we may in dance / movement point to and honor God.
Membership is open to anyone who affirms our theological foundation and wishes to support the use of dance and movement as an expression of this faith.
If you want to join, we would love to get to know you! Please fill in our application for membership at this link:
apply for membership >>
Then pay your membership fee.